Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why I should retire from teaching (at the ripe old age of 32)

As the school year draws to a close, as exams are graded, marks are calculated, comments and reports are generated... as my students walk across the stage in great pomp and ceremony... I am beginning to plan for next year. What texts will I teach next year? What assignments shall I give? How can I rearrange my classroom to maximize student learning? What is WRONG with me?! I am having a baby (or my wife is having our baby) in a month's time while I... instead of building cribs and doing pre-baby stuff... I am starting to plan my courses for next year! Technically this school year hasn't even finished yet.

I was warned by a veteran teacher that this might happen. Two months vacation in the summer becoming two months of "prep" time... time devoted to the overhauling of courses and preparations for the following academic year. This veteran teacher told me it was time to retire when that happened. So, I am announcing my retirement from teaching. I think my retirement plan will offer a nickle a month until I reach 2059. Then it goes to a dime. In the meantime, I may go into educational consulting and spend my summer planning someone else's upcoming school year.


Anonymous said...

I am happy if ANYTHING is being accomplished at this point. It is a good sign that someone has some energy or enthusiasm. If I could just learn to pace myself down to a bit of gardening etc at a time then I wouldn't be out of commission the next day. Oh well. Live and learn. Why am I always light on the learn part?

Anonymous said...

What you may be forgetting is your impact on your students. Even though you may feel the job is tiresoome and you've lost your edge, there are likely students who you still influence greatly, uknowingly.